Currently the Power BI matrix visual only supports sorting vertically on the names or totals, you cannot sort horizontally. So your only option at the moment is to swap your rows and columns. You could post this as a suggestion for a future enhancement at
How to sort dimension by measure
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I use AW Internet Sales DWH (Tabular Model) , I create a measure [%Margin] on FactInternetSales as below
and I want show Margin by ProductName and ProductCategory which sort ProductCategory by Margin on Power BI as below
How I can sort ProductCategory by Margin
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Lukas Yu -MSFT 5,821 Reputation points
2021-02-08T07:19:19.487+00:00 In addition to Darren's suggest , another possibility is to sort this table at Report level. You could do this in PBIRS or SSRS design if these products are involved in your BI project.