.Net Core SignalR 1.1.0 (GET /hub) call showing performance issue in Application Insights (AI).

Shailesh 6 Reputation points

.Net Core SignalR 1.1.0 (GET /hub) call showing performance issue in Application Insights (AI).

Min time - 19 sec, Max time - 1.2 hours

When client calls SignalR hub Send method (Hub method which broadcast messages to all connected clients), SignalR internal mechanism is calling "GET /hub" Api.
For each request one request log (GET /hub) is logged in Application insights.
But some times we found two (GET /hub) calls in AI, where second call is taking too much time (Min time - 19 sec, Max time - 1.2 hours).
This shows performance issue in AI.

On the other hand on client end broadcasted message is getting in few seconds.

Here the problem is, as client is getting broadcasted message by hub within few seconds
and AI is logging this correctly then why SignalR internally giving second call "GET /hub" which is showing performance issue in AI.

As we don't have control on this "GET /hub" call, any suggestions for this to stop performance issue in AI or to control this extra call.

below are few links for reference -



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