Hello, i'm in panic now.
I've finished a game (Unity) who work perfectly on my Windows 10 computer and on my XBox one (uploaded with xbox device portal).
This morning, i want to plug xbox live sign in at the start and the problems begins..
First, the imported plugin cause a lot of errors in unity console (i've checked Editor in .NET4.6 Dlls and unchecked in .NET3.5).. I'm unable to launch the game...
Second, in my Partner Center, i've since this morning a warning on the submission of my game; under submission options i can read:"We can't display your product's Xbox Live configuration right now. Please try again later."; and no more xbox live options...
Help :( ...What can i do? I've search an option to delete my app (in the partner center for recreate it) but it seems to be impossible....
I'm lost :(