You can't do it like that, you can only add one SIP address per Subscriber Address; so you need to create multiple Subscribers with each one distinct Subscriber Address or at least multiple Subscriber Addresses for one single Subscriber.
SCOM IM Channel - not working in many SIP recipient's in delivery address
IM : Skype for Business 2015
OM : Scom 2019
I'm not receiving alert using IM channel when I add many SIP recipient's in delivery address
sample 1: sip:im1@jaswant .com;sip:user2@jaswant .com;sip:skype1@jaswant .com - this is NOT working
sample 2: sip:im1@jaswant .com - single SIP delivery address is working
observation : when adding many address in delivery address is NOT working
even I separated by comma and colon still the same
sip:im1@jaswant .com;sip:user2@jaswant .com;sip:skype1@jaswant .com - not working
sip:im1@jaswant .com,sip:user2@jaswant .com,sip:skype1@jaswant .com - not working
Please advise