Thank you for the quick follow up!
When it comes to an Empty Snapshot, I wasn't able to find documentation on this, but I did find something referencing an "Empty Snapshot Object". This object is a configurable snapshot object and is used to create the snapshot.
For example: New-AzSnapshotConfig
#This command creates a local "empty snapshot object" with size 5GB in Standard_LRS storage account type. It also sets Windows OS type and enables encryption settings.
PS C:\> $snapshotconfig = New-AzSnapshotConfig -Location 'Central US' -DiskSizeGB 5 -AccountType StandardLRS -OsType Windows -CreateOption Empty -EncryptionSettingsEnabled $true;
#Initializing Secret and Key variables
PS C:\> $secretUrl = https://myvault.vault-int.azure-int.net/secrets/123/;
PS C:\> $secretId = '/subscriptions/0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/ResourceGroup01/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/TestVault123';
PS C:\> $keyUrl = https://myvault.vault-int.azure-int.net/keys/456;
PS C:\> $keyId = '/subscriptions/0000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/ResourceGroup01/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/TestVault456';
#Setting the disk encryption key and key encryption key settings for the snapshot object.
PS C:\> $snapshotconfig = Set-AzSnapshotDiskEncryptionKey -Snapshot $snapshotconfig -SecretUrl $secretUrl -SourceVaultId $secretId;
PS C:\> $snapshotconfig = Set-AzSnapshotKeyEncryptionKey -Snapshot $snapshotconfig -KeyUrl $keyUrl -SourceVaultId $keyId;
#This command takes the snapshot object and creates a snapshot with name 'Snapshot01' in resource group 'ResourceGroup01'.
PS C:\> New-AzSnapshot -ResourceGroupName 'ResourceGroup01' -SnapshotName 'Snapshot01' -Snapshot $snapshotconfig;
Lastly, as stated by Andreas, taking a snapshot of only the data used on a disk isn't possible, since a snapshot is meant to be a full read-only copy of a virtual hard drive (VHD). If you'd like a snapshot feature that only takes a snapshot of used space on a disk, I'd recommend leveraging our User Voice forum so our engineering team can look into implementing this feature.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.
Thank you for your time and patience throughout this issue.
Please remember to "Accept Answer" if any answer/reply helped, so that others in the community facing similar issues can easily find the solution.