Hi Travis, Thank you very much for responding. I fixed this issue by reviewing this post and making the appropriate change to one of the deployment scripts: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/257338/asdk-deployment-fails.html - seems like others are having the same issue. Thanks
Azure Stack Development Kit build 1.2008.0.59 (2008) Connected Deployment Failure
Kelly J. Ueoka
Reputation point
Hello, I'm trying to re-deploy the ASDK in a lab environment (connected scenario) and for some reason can't get past the "login to Azure" portion of the deployment. The error is as follows for multiple confirmed Global Administrators in the Azure tenant being utilized: Get-AzureAdTenantDetails : The account you entered '(my global administrator account here)' is not an administrator of any Azure Active Directory tenant. Nothing in my Azure tenant has changed and as described this is happening for multiple Azure Global Administrator accounts. Thank you in advance.