calculate the average correlation among stocks whose correlations are between 25% (LB) and 75% (UB).
I need help for ending my code i VBA, I am very new to coding and dont know how to code this.. I got an array with the returns of 5 different stocks over the past 5 years. I need to calculate the average correlation among these stocks whose correlations are between 25% (LB) and 75% (UB). So far my coding looks like this, I've managed to calculate the "return average correlation".
Option Explicit
Function AvgRhoBounded(RET, LB, UB)
' get number of assets
n = data.Columns.Count
' add up all returns
total_rho = 0
n_rho = 0
For i = 1 To n
For j = i + 1 To n
rho_ij = Application.WorksheetFunction.Correl(data.Columns(i), data.Columns(j))
total_rho = total_rho + rho_ij
n_rho = n_rho + 1
Next j
Next i
' return average correlations
AvgRho = total_rho / n_rho
'calculating the average correlation between stocks whose correlation are between 25% and 75%
Dim LB As String
Dim Lowerbound As String
Dim RET As String
Dim UB As String
Dim Upperbound As String
If LB = 25 Then
Lowerbound = 25
ElseIf UB = 75 Then
Upperbound = 75
End If
End Function
... I've read that I can use the dim function, the loop function, the if-statment function and the LB/UB function but I dont understand how.
I appreciate any help that i get!!