Data Factory data flow columns

Paul Finol 171 Reputation points

I need to extract CSV files from SFT in external location to SQL server
I have found several limitations for this task with ADF
For example SFTP connector is only available with copy activity not data flow
But copy activity only support single character column separator not multi-character
But mi CSV are separated with |
on the other hand data flow doesn't connect to SQL server yet
I decided to pull SFTP files to blog first and later transform from blob using the delimiter | to identify columns and place result file in the blob
my idea is to use copy activity to move from blob to SQL server once the columns are defined


the extraction to blob is OK and the column separation on the dataflow source is also OK
however when i run the pipeline there is an error on the sink from data flow


Is that a real limitation or am i doing something wrong? i definided the shema correctly on the dataset from the dataflow activity

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  1. Paul Finol 171 Reputation points

    i built a second choice using copy with pipe delimiter which is working OK but i the final result is not the what i am really looking for


    "name": "pipeline1",
    "properties": {
    "activities": [
    "name": "Copy_SFTP_to_BLob",
    "type": "Copy",
    "dependsOn": [],
    "policy": {
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    "retry": 0,
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    "allowDataTruncation": true,
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    "dateTimeFormat": "\"YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss\""
    "inputs": [
    "referenceName": "Dataset_from_SFTP",
    "type": "DatasetReference"
    "outputs": [
    "referenceName": "Dataset_SFTPtoBlob",
    "type": "DatasetReference"
    "name": "Transform_CSV",
    "type": "ExecuteDataFlow",
    "dependsOn": [
    "activity": "Copy_SFTP_to_BLob",
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    "source": {
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    "type": "String",
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    "physicalType": "nvarchar"
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    "type": "String",
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    "source": {
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    "type": "String",
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    "inputs": [
    "referenceName": "Dataset_Blob_to_Blob",
    "type": "DatasetReference"
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    "referenceName": "Dataset_to_SQL_RESUMEN",
    "type": "DatasetReference"
    "annotations": [],
    "lastPublishTime": "2021-03-26T19:11:22Z"
    "type": "Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/pipelines"

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