@RonaldBaltus-8888 Thanks for asking question! General availability (GA) for VNet Integration with App Service Linux and Web App for Containers is announced. See tweet by Christina: https://twitter.com/ccompy/status/1268807720687169542
VNET for Azure Webapps linux - Any ETA when it is GA?
Ronald Baltus
Reputation points
We are very excited to use the VNET solution in the Azure Web Apps for linux, and I would like to know if someone can predict when this moves out of preview to GA?
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Leon Laude 85,876 Reputation points
2020-06-10T10:22:30.39+00:00 Hi,
As @SnehaAgrawal-MSFT mentioned, the VNet Integration for Linux apps is generally available (GA) since June 5, 2020.
The documentation has also been updated:
Integrate your app with an Azure virtual network
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/web-sites-integrate-with-vnet#managing-the-vnet-integrationsBest regards,
Leon -
Ronald Baltus 21 Reputation points
2020-06-10T14:07:53.763+00:00 Thank you for your quick response! I just missed it :)