Xamarin Forms - How to create such shape?

Eye_v_eyE 1 Reputation point

I wanted to create such navigation at the bottom of the apps. What is the best way to do this? I tried the customer renderer but is too tedious.


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  1. Cole Xia (Shanghai Wicresoft Co,.Ltd.) 6,751 Reputation points


    Welcome to Microsoft Q&A!

    Which platform do you develop on ?

    If on iOS , we can customize the tabbar with Custom renderer , check my post .

    I made a little modification to meet your requirement .

    iOS Custom Renderer

       [assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(TabbedPage), typeof(MyTabRenderer))]  
       namespace FormsA.iOS  
           public class MyTabRenderer : TabbedRenderer  
               public override void ViewDidLoad()  
                   for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)  
                       UIButton btn = new UIButton(frame: new CoreGraphics.CGRect(0, 0, i==1?80:60, i == 1 ? 80 : 60));  
                       btn.Tag = i;  
                       //customize button  
                       btn.ClipsToBounds = true;  
                       btn.Layer.CornerRadius = btn.Frame.Width/2;  
                       btn.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;  
                       btn.AdjustsImageWhenHighlighted = false;  
                       //move button up  
                       CGPoint center = this.TabBar.Center;  
                       center.X = center.X + (i-1) * 100;  
                       center.Y = center.Y - 20;  
                       btn.Center = center;  
                       //button click event  
                       btn.TouchUpInside += (sender, ex) =>  
                           //use mssage center to inkove method in Forms project  
                           nint tag = ((UIButton)sender).Tag;  
                           MessagingCenter.Send<object, int>(this,"Hi", (int)tag);  
                   //you need to create a curving background image and set here.  
                   this.TabBar.BackgroundImage = UIImage.FromBundle("yourimage.png");  
                   //disable original behavior  
                   this.ShouldSelectViewController += (UITabBarController tabBarController, UIViewController viewController) =>  
                       return false;                 


           <ContentPage Title="" BackgroundColor="Green"/>  
           <ContentPage Title="" BackgroundColor="Red"/>  
           <ContentPage Title="" BackgroundColor="Blue"/>  
       //code behind   
         public TabbedPage1()  
                   //this.BarBackgroundColor = Color.Yellow;  
                   //this.BarTextColor = Color.Red;  
                   MessagingCenter.Subscribe<object, int>(this, "Hi", (sender,index) =>  
                       this.CurrentPage = this.Children[index];  


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