Blasor + Windows Identity frame Azure AD + Entity Framework imperonate Azure DB access
Mr T
Reputation point
I have serious problems to find and get a simple example for (as I thought a standard pattern);
- Start a new Blazor Server APP projekt, where I selected Windows Identity, to us a specific Azure AD tenant.
- In the default project get the data from an Azure SQL Database, by Entity Framework.
- The database + Blazor Server App is set up to impersonate the user.
- When the Blasor Server App is used, the user logins.
The problem is that the Entity Framework Core, wants its own login, and splash the Microsoft login page again (when I run locally)!
I would like to "pass" the already don login for the Blaser Server App, down to the Entity Frame work Core DatabaseContext object..
How di I do that, so I don't get the extra login?
I have search but not find an example (that works) for Latest Visual Studio 2019 and Blazor Server App.
An anser would help an old designer to get peace at work... :-)