Based on my understanding, it will be a safe way to shut down the DC before demotion and remove.
Before any big changes, remember to back up the DCs. And make sure there are no errors in the output of the following commands:
Dcdiag /v >c:\dcdiag1.log
Repadmin /showrepl >C:\repl.txt
Repadmin /showreps *
Transfer the FSMO roles correctly, and make the clients use the good one as the DNS servers.
If there are also other roles installed on the DC which you want to demote and remove, make sure there is a replace server.
Shut down one server at a time and monitor if there any issues.
If everything ok, demote it.
If the other DCs are working well, it will not affect the device in the domain, we don't need to rejoin them to domain.
Best Regards,