In your Derived Column, create a new column instead of overwriting the original Timestamp column. Call it something like 'date_for_agg'. You can use a Select to remove the temp column from your flow or just drop it in the Sink mapping.
Azure Data Factory: Aggregate By Day But Keep Original Timestamp Column
I would like to aggregate by maximum value for a day.
To achieve this, I'm casting the original timestamp type to a date type and using maximum for that day.
However, I lose the original timestamp which I'd like to keep.
For example, the incoming data:
ID Value Timestamp
ABC 11 2021-06-10T07:33:21
ABC 2 2021-06-10T03:28:04
ABC 14 2021-06-10T05:45:17
So I cast the timestamp to date type then I'm aggregating by maximum(Value) and grouping by ID and the newly-created date column (no timestamp) to get the max value for that ID and day. But I'd like to keep the timestamp also. e.g.:
ID Value Date Timestamp
ABC 14 2021-06-10 2021-06-10T05:45:17
MarkKromer-MSFT 5,211 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
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KranthiPakala-MSFT 46,462 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
2021-06-18T06:36:14.75+00:00 Hi @bartnoble,
In addition to Mark Kromer's input, sharing the implementation GIF below to achieve the above requirement, as it can be beneficial for others reading this thread.
Here is the GIF:
Hope this helps.
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