@JS Unfortunately, it looks like we only allow logging 100 parameters per run id. Are you using autolog or manually logging more than 100 params?
How to increase the number of parameters logged in MLFlow (current max limit is 100)
I'm using AzureML to train some networks and the recommended MLFlow to log parameters and metrics.
However, I have reached the maximum limit of 100 parameters (mostly configuration options I pass to the trainer but also real model parameters). And I get the following error:
mlflow.exceptions.RestException: BAD_REQUEST: Response: {'Error': {'Code': 'UserError', 'Severity': None, 'Message': 'A field of the entity is over the size limit. FieldName=Parameters, Limit=100, Size=101. See https://aka.ms/azure-machine-learning-limits for service limits documentation.', 'MessageFormat': None, 'MessageParameters': None, 'ReferenceCode': None, 'DetailsUri': None, 'Target': None, 'Details': [], 'InnerError': None, 'DebugInfo': None, 'AdditionalInfo': None}, 'Correlation': {'operation': 'a9544317f5dd99458be006824948b38d', 'request': '0b131227514b3b4b'}, 'Environment': 'eastus', 'Location': 'eastus', 'ComponentName': 'mlflow', 'error_code': 'BAD_REQUEST'}
Is there a way to increase this limit? If not, are there any other workarounds?
Thank you!
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romungi-MSFT 44,671 Reputation points Microsoft Employee