Hi All, Need some help with an issue we had when trying to test a WAN failure with Exchange 2016. Here is the setup
4 Exchange 2016 Servers
DAGA - Has 2 servers, 1 in primary site and 1 in secondary site
DAGB - Has 2 servers, 1 in primary site and 1 in secondary site
When testing we first manually shutdown the primary server in DAGA and manually moved the databases to the secondary server in DAGA, tested by logging into webmail and everything worked fine. We then tried to test by shutting down the WAN links between the 2 sites and that's where we had an issue. When trying to login to webmail, we got to the login page, but after logging in, we got a page could not be displayed, same with trying to login to the ECP.
So here is my question, why would this stop working with the WAN link down and the mailboxes were already mounted in the secondary site? Was there something else that we needed to do on the Exchange configuration in order to get this to work correctly?