I have a simple report, written for a specific group of people, that shows the volume of telephone calls completed by people within certain dates.
The specific group of people are gathered within the script using IN, so for example:
SELECT name, callcompleted, date
from table
WHERE name IN ('william faulkner', 'richard ford')
And date between @datea and @dateb
This gives an output:
william faulkner y 16/6/21
richard ford y 15/6/21 etc
My issue is that one of the people - say richard ford - left the group on 1/6/21 for another group and so still works for the same company, uses the same database and so his calls still appear in the above report. I want his calls excluded from the report from 1/6/21
Is it possible to amend the query above to continue to show the output of william faulkner but to exclude the output of richard ford after 1/6/21 - but still include the input of richard ford before 1/6/21?
any suggestions advice would be very helpful - thanks