HLK NDISTest 6.5 questions

Jimmy_Lee 1 Reputation point

"NDISTest 6.5 - LWF Logo test" is assigned to our kernel driver when testing with HLK.

  1. During the test, errors occurred in Copy NetInstall.exe
    In HLK for Windows 10, NDIS folder does not exist so I copied NDIS folder from HLK for Windows 8.1


  1. After that I met error on Run NDISTest 6.5 and log file(ndistest.wtl) has no contents.
    On the NDISTest Client tool, NDIS driver for testing was not shown.
    And Unknown device was shown in Device Manager.
    How can I install the NDprot6xx.sys driver for testing?


Windows Hardware Performance
Windows Hardware Performance
Windows: A family of Microsoft operating systems that run across personal computers, tablets, laptops, phones, internet of things devices, self-contained mixed reality headsets, large collaboration screens, and other devices.Hardware Performance: Delivering / providing hardware or hardware systems or adjusting / adapting hardware or hardware systems.
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