HLK Testing USB Network driver - NDIS PM and DF PNP Surprise Remove
We are running HLK tests over Windows 20H1 system(acting as DuT HLK Client).
We've completed all tests pending only two tests.
Earlier we used a system with a lesser hardware configuration and faced issue with Sleep-Resume tests(especially WLAN Association Tests - OPEN_WPA2_AES). It will fail under a connection timing on hibernate resume due to the overhead created by tests. It got resolved quickly with the upgraded system.
Currently with the newer system, we are facing with a new issue which passes on the older system.
1) NDIS-PM Test:
The test relates to bugcheck in ndtproto.sys. The issue could be a bug in HLK test environment according to the message from debugger:
This could possibly be a bug in the tester! Please report this to
lanlogo if using WLAN
wlanndt if using LAN
ASSERTION(pOpenConfig->NdisMedium == pBindParameters->MediaType) in FILE(net\kit\legacycontent\ndistest65\protocol\sys\bindingmanager.cpp) LINE(943).
Break instruction exception - code 80000003 (first chance)
It could not be overcome currently.
A report of similar issue unresolved:
HLK for Windwos 10 - PM-Requirements test for Wlan adapter failed on HLK 1803. (microsoft.com)
2) DF - PNP Surprise Remove Device Test:
We get the error :
"Error: WDTF_PNP : Result: Failed, device gone, ( Status=0 () Problem=0 () )"
Though the driver is in loading stage and works well before the sub tests deems fail.
A similar issue in the past, however ruled out its not the case here:
DF-PNP Surprise Remove Device Test + Network Adapter failure due to open handles (Svr2019/HLK1809) (microsoft.com)
Another report of similar issue unresolved:
Device gone error message during DF tests on HCK 8.1 (microsoft.com)
PS: HLK filters applied. Real-time protection was causing issue and disabled it.
HLK, WLAN Association Tests - OPEN_WPA2_AES, NDISTest 6.5 - PM_Requirements, DF - PNP Surprise Remove Device Test