The "Certificate lifespan" has a "LifetimeThreshold" override which is the number of days before expiration at which you'll get an alert.
So you can definitely override that monitor "for all certificate objects" to increase that duration
Ops Mgr2012 certificate expiring override for duration
Dear All,
I have a question, and hope that someone can help me with this.
I am a new sysadmin but need some support on something and hopefully you can help me.
Currently i want to make an adjustment for the cerfiticate expiring.
Is there a method to make an override or adjustment to set the 21 Days before expiring to something like 2 months / 50 days?
The reason for this, is our Root Certificate is about to expire in less than 6 months this one is in the process of being renewed.
So once our Root certificate is replaced we are going to start with the certificates but we want to be sure we see all of them on time and have enough time to fix it before they expire. and we have roughly 300+ servers and only 3 sysadmins so 21 days would be very very close.
Some additional information.
All has been installed and configured by some temp hired sysadmin, who left no documentation (over 5 years ago)
Management pack for the certificate = PKI certificate Validation V2
If you require more information, please let me know.
Thank you in advance for helping.
CyrAz 5,181 Reputation points
1 additional answer
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Mathijs Bouma 21 Reputation points
2021-07-29T08:57:37.637+00:00 Hey CyrAz,
Thank you for the support.
I was missing the certificate lifespan, so i had to download the management pack before, but changed it now.
Thanks for the tip.