Do yourself a favor and filter client-side, whatever basic filtering capabilities we currently have in the Graph are not worth the trouble. For example, your scenario could easily be addressed by a "not equal" operator... but the Graph does not support this.
Filter out empty arrays in Microsoft Graph
Daniel Pan
Reputation point
Hi team,
I found that there was an example of Use $filter to get users who are assigned a specific license, here is the request:
GET$select=id,mail,assignedLicenses&$filter=assignedLicenses/any(u:u/skuId eq cbdc14ab-d96c-4c30-b9f4-6ada7cdc1d46)
I am looking for a way to filter out empty assignedLicenses
, and the expected response value from the request is that all user's assignedLicenses is Non Empty Arrary
Please advise me,