Hello @H. Laguide and welcome to Microsoft Q&A.
The link you shared pointed to the Azure homepage. Were you trying to share a link to the "Automated Partition Management" you mentioned?
IA web search turned up 5257-whitepaper-automated-partition-management-for-analysis-services-tabular-models. Is this what you are referring to?
In that document, page 26 has a section "Locking and Blocking" which seems particularly relevant. Blocking is when multiple processes are asking for the same resource. Usually one would wait its turn, waiting for another process to finish and free up the resource. However, suppose we have the following case:
Process A is currently using resource X, and needs to get resource Y to complete its job.
Process B is currently using resource Y, and needs to get resource X to complete its job.
The result is a deadlock, neither can move forward unless the other process releases the resource in its possession. The only way to resolve this, is to kill one of the processes and try again after the other process completes its job.