Problem accessing string variable of C# structure in VB 6.0
I converted the C# DLL into a .tbl file in the VB6.0 program and referenced it (C# 32bit .NET 2.0 Framework)
If there is a string variable in a C# structure, a compile error occurs when the variable is declared with Dim in VB.
error Message : Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
How can I make it compatible with string variables in C# in VB6.0?
I'm not sure if I need to convert the string type to another type in C#, or if I need to declare the C# structure differently in the VB6.0 program, or if it is incompatible.
Please help me.
C# struct
public struct ApiSessionValidationStruct
public string user;
public string password;
public string client;
public bool isVip;
public bool isStation;
public string systemIdentifier;
public ApiSessionValidationStruct(string user, string password, string client, bool isVip, bool isStation, string systemIdentifier)
this.user = user;
this.password = password;
this.client = client;
this.isVip = isVip;
this.isStation = isStation;
this.systemIdentifier = systemIdentifier;
VB 6.0 Source
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim mii As ItacMII
Dim abc As New ABCCC
Dim result As Integer
Dim errorString As String
Dim loginStruct As ApiSessionValidationStruct 'Error
Set mii = New ItacMII
result = mii.apiInit(errorString)
abc.test (result)
abc.test (errorString)
Text1.Text = mii.apiGetVersion()
abc.test (Text1.Text)
Set loginStruct = New ApiSessionValidationStruct 'Error
loginStruct.user = "48027510"
loginStruct.password = "1"
loginStruct.client = "01"
loginStruct.isVip = true
loginStruct.isStation = true
loginStruct.systemIdentifier = "48027510"
result = mii.apiLogin(loginStruct, errorString)
abc.test (result)
abc.test (errorString)
End Sub