Hi @sam nick ,
Welcome to Microsoft Q&A!
Please also refer below:
;with cte as (
select a.id,a.status,EOMONTH(a.date) eom
from mytable a
inner join
(select id,EOMONTH(date) eom,max(date) max from mytable
group by id,EOMONTH(date)) b
on a.ID=b.ID and a.Date=b.max and EOMONTH(a.date)=eom)
,cancel as
(select a.id,a.status,EOMONTH(a.date) eom
from mytable a
inner join
(select id,max(date) max from mytable
group by id,EOMONTH(date)) b
on a.ID=b.ID and a.Date=b.max
where status='cancel' )
,cte1 as (
select c.* from (
select a.id,a.Status,b.eom from cte a
cross apply (select distinct eom from cte) b) c
left join cte d on c.ID=d.ID and c.status=d.status
where c.eom>=d.eom and
not exists (select 1 from cancel e where c.ID=e.id
and (c.eom>e.eom or (c.status<>'cancel' and c.eom=e.eom) )))
select count(d.id) Statuscount,c.status,c.EOM from
(select distinct a.Status,b.EOM from mytable a
cross apply (select distinct EOMONTH(date) EOM from mytable) b) c
left join cte1 d on c.EOM=d.eom and c.Status=d.Status
group by c.status,c.EOM
order by c.eom,c.status
Statuscount status EOM
0 Cancel 2021-01-31
0 Complete 2021-01-31
1 Pending 2021-01-31
1 Shipped 2021-01-31
1 Cancel 2021-02-28
0 Complete 2021-02-28
0 Pending 2021-02-28
1 Shipped 2021-02-28
0 Cancel 2021-03-31
1 Complete 2021-03-31
0 Pending 2021-03-31
1 Shipped 2021-03-31
Best regards,
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