Hi Experts
i am using exchange 2016 hybrid environment. i have created account in Active Directory and using New RemoteMailbox -Shared syntax in exchange 2016 i have created remote shared mailbox. i have an onprem DL when i am trying give permission to this shared mailbox under Delivery management(Only senders inside your org can send message to this group). i am getting the below error.
The operation on identity "OnpremDL" failed because its out of the current users write scope.
The action 'Set-DistributionGroup' 'AcceptMessageOnlyFromSendersOrMembers',cant be performed on the object "OnpremDL'" because the object is being synchronized from your onpremise organization, even if i unable to give permission for this shared mailbox from exchange online.
So i have disabled the sharedmailbox in exchange onprem and deleted the AD object. I have now created new shared mailbox in exchange onprem with same name and i dont see AD object created for this account.
From Office365 EAC under migration tab-Migrate to ExchangeOnline, i dont see the newly created shared mailbox so that i can migrate it to cloud but i am able to give delivery management permission to this shared mailbox for the DL. Experts guide me