MDT - one deploymentshare - different task sequences - different network zone
Hello community
I am facing the following problem:
I have a MDT server for the installation of about 30 (very static) clients.
On the MDT server is a deploymentshare. In this share I manage five different task sequences. I have task sequences for development, test, integration, production and training environments.
Each environment is in its own network zone.
The deployment works very well.
For the deployment I also use WDS and DHCP.
Now I have a problem with a software that not only needs the same IP address for each client, but the IP address has to be fixed on the network adapter and the client name has to correspond to the IP.
Is there a possibility to keep a list of clients and their network settings, which is read in the different TS jobs and sets the IP settings for the client on the network adapter according to this list.
The IP address must correspond to the client name and must not be linked to the Mac address.
I have seen somewhere that this can be set per TS in the INI, but I would like to have a file for all TS with the respective network zones and their IP addresses.
There must be five network zones being served.
Who can help me here and how do I implement something like this in a simple way?
Thanks already for your support.
Client0001 -> IP
SubNet: ****
Gateway: *****
DNS1: *****
DNS2: *****
Client1001 -> IP
SubNet: ****
Gateway: *****
DNS1: *****
DNS2: *****
Client 2001 -> IP
SubNet: ****
Gateway: *****
DNS1: *****
DNS2: *****