I am using the Azure Active Directory Group API for my tenant to list all the groups. I am using GET DELTA
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/delta?$select=resourceBehaviorOptions,groupTypes,membershipRuleProcessingState,mail,visibility,displayName,mailEnabled,createdDateTime,creationOptions,proxyAddresses,securityIdentifier,resourceProvisioningOptions,id,securityEnabled,mailNickname,members
According to the documentation, this call when I make for the first time should give me all the meta-data related to groups and in the end it should give me a "delta-link". This delta link when called later would just give the changes that have been made in the meta-data of group since then.
However during the first call only when I should be getting all the meta-data, I am getting resources with annotations @removed. According to my understanding I should get the changes only when I call the delta link and not for the first time when I am getting all the data
I wanted to know if this is a feature (Microsoft returns @removed for groups which were removed let's day 10 days ago). Or this is a bug?