Power BI Authentication with Azure External Identities
I setup Azure AD with Okta as an external Identity (SAML) (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/external-identities/direct-federation)
i tried to invite a guest user and use that use to access Power BI no luck , Power BI does not accept external/guest users identities.
even after accepting the invite i tried to access Power BI Service using the external email ID it show non existed user . does this even work ? has anyone got this to work ? MSFT says you can invite guest users but no one actually has done it .
the scenario
1- Okta as SAML external identity
2- create user in Okta
3- invite that user as a guest in Azure AD
4- the invite successfully accepted
5- assign power BI license to the guest user in Azure AD
6- the guest user email xxxx@keyman .com says does not exist can't access to power bi the authentication fails
thank you for any help