We do not have an application in our gallery for Ping nor am I aware of any plans for one. We do have a generic SCIM option available via the custom non-gallery application route, but with that we only support bearer tokens. If the only authentication options available are basic auth(user/pass) or MTLS, then there is no route to using Azure AD's SCIM client in this scenario.
Inbound user Provisioning into PingFederated from Azure AD
Paritosh Mishra
Reputation points
I have using Pingfederated console window services . I have configured Inbound user provisioning IDp support SCIM .
I want Azure AD automatic user provisioning into Pingfederated Server .
The only authentication methods supported are Basic Auth or MTLS and is defined here:
Can this authentication used is supported by AzureAd for automatic provisioning ..??
Is there any Ping application registered in Azure AD gallery ??
Please help me out
Thanks in Adavance
Accepted answer
Danny Zollner 10,496 Reputation points Microsoft Employee