For a few weeks my desktop has been crashing about once per day, although I've been unable to see any pattern whatsoever (sometimes it's more than a few days, occasionally less than a day, and it doesn't correlate with usage). The desktop is a little less than a year old, and the issue began a bit less than a month ago for no discernable reason (e.g. it did not coincide with me updating to version 21H1 of Windows 10).
It's always the same – a critical structure corruption (0x109) causing a bugcheck. The associated process is always csrss.exe and the failure bucket ID is always 0x109_1_Ntfs!NtfsCancelRepairRequest (see below).
I've looked through the Windows Event Viewer, I've run the Windows Memory Diagnostic, I've run chkdsk to scan and repair any problems with my filesystem, and I've run the Windows System File Checker. I also enabled the Driver Verifier, but so far there've been no violations.
I've spent a few hours duckduckgo-ing and reading through other Microsoft Q&As, and I'm not sure what to do next.
If it's an issue with a driver, I'd just like to know which driver, so that I can either update it or roll it back.
11: kd> !analyze -v
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
This BugCheck is generated when the kernel detects that critical kernel code or
data have been corrupted. There are generally three causes for a corruption:
1) A driver has inadvertently or deliberately modified critical kernel code
or data. See http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/driver/kernel/64bitPatching.mspx
2) A developer attempted to set a normal kernel breakpoint using a kernel
debugger that was not attached when the system was booted. Normal breakpoints,
"bp", can only be set if the debugger is attached at boot time. Hardware
breakpoints, "ba", can be set at any time.
3) A hardware corruption occurred, e.g. failing RAM holding kernel code or data.
Arg1: a39fdc61f42f860d, Reserved
Arg2: b3b6e8e846b12559, Reserved
Arg3: fffff80309b0ff70, Failure type dependent information
Arg4: 0000000000000001, Type of corrupted region, can be
0 : A generic data region
1 : Modification of a function or .pdata
2 : A processor IDT
3 : A processor GDT
4 : Type 1 process list corruption
5 : Type 2 process list corruption
6 : Debug routine modification
7 : Critical MSR modification
8 : Object type
9 : A processor IVT
a : Modification of a system service function
b : A generic session data region
c : Modification of a session function or .pdata
d : Modification of an import table
e : Modification of a session import table
f : Ps Win32 callout modification
10 : Debug switch routine modification
11 : IRP allocator modification
12 : Driver call dispatcher modification
13 : IRP completion dispatcher modification
14 : IRP deallocator modification
15 : A processor control register
16 : Critical floating point control register modification
17 : Local APIC modification
18 : Kernel notification callout modification
19 : Loaded module list modification
1a : Type 3 process list corruption
1b : Type 4 process list corruption
1c : Driver object corruption
1d : Executive callback object modification
1e : Modification of module padding
1f : Modification of a protected process
20 : A generic data region
21 : A page hash mismatch
22 : A session page hash mismatch
23 : Load config directory modification
24 : Inverted function table modification
25 : Session configuration modification
26 : An extended processor control register
27 : Type 1 pool corruption
28 : Type 2 pool corruption
29 : Type 3 pool corruption
2a : Type 4 pool corruption
2b : Modification of a function or .pdata
2c : Image integrity corruption
2d : Processor misconfiguration
2e : Type 5 process list corruption
2f : Process shadow corruption
30 : Retpoline code page corruption
101 : General pool corruption
102 : Modification of win32k.sys
Debugging Details:
Key : Analysis.CPU.mSec
Value: 3593
Key : Analysis.DebugAnalysisManager
Value: Create
Key : Analysis.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 3654
Key : Analysis.Init.CPU.mSec
Value: 312
Key : Analysis.Init.Elapsed.mSec
Value: 5103
Key : Analysis.Memory.CommitPeak.Mb
Value: 80
Key : WER.OS.Branch
Value: vb_release
Key : WER.OS.Timestamp
Value: 2019-12-06T14:06:00Z
Key : WER.OS.Version
Value: 10.0.19041.1
BUGCHECK_P1: a39fdc61f42f860d
BUGCHECK_P2: b3b6e8e846b12559
BUGCHECK_P3: fffff80309b0ff70
BLACKBOXBSD: 1 (!blackboxbsd)
BLACKBOXNTFS: 1 (!blackboxntfs)
BLACKBOXPNP: 1 (!blackboxpnp)
PROCESS_NAME: csrss.exe
ffffd38f`8350fdf8 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000109 a39fdc61`f42f860d b3b6e8e8`46b12559 fffff803`09b0ff70 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
CHKIMG_EXTENSION: !chkimg -lo 50 -d !Ntfs
fffff80309b10018-fffff80309b1001b 4 bytes - Ntfs!NtfsCancelRepairRequest+a8
[ 6c 24 38 48:00 00 00 00 ]
fffff80309c00000-fffff80309c00003 4 bytes - Ntfs!NtfsSetEndOfFileInfo+a40
[ 8b ce e8 fd:78 56 34 12 ]
fffff80309d59194 - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x299194)
[ 8d:39 ]
fffff80309d5919c - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x29919c) (+0x08)
[ 8d:39 ]
fffff80309d592d0 - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x2992d0) (+0x134)
[ 31:30 ]
fffff80309d592d2 - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x2992d2) (+0x02)
[ 36:38 ]
fffff80309d592d4 - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x2992d4) (+0x02)
[ 35:31 ]
fffff80309d594a0 - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x2994a0) (+0x1cc)
[ 31:30 ]
fffff80309d594a2 - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x2994a2) (+0x02)
[ 36:38 ]
fffff80309d594a4 - Ntfs!_guard_fids_table <PERF> (Ntfs+0x2994a4) (+0x02)
[ 35:31 ]
16 errors : !Ntfs (fffff80309b10018-fffff80309d594a4)
SYMBOL_NAME: Ntfs!NtfsCancelRepairRequest+0
IMAGE_NAME: Ntfs.sys
IMAGE_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1081
STACK_COMMAND: .thread ; .cxr ; kb
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x109_1_Ntfs!NtfsCancelRepairRequest
OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1
BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release
OSNAME: Windows 10
FAILURE_ID_HASH: {2487b397-51d9-53f6-54aa-fbac2b673b19}
Followup: MachineOwner