I discovered the issue was with my xml viewer. There is actually a newline in the xml for the first chart.
Why do these documents have different data label separators?
Kyle Rosenberg
Reputation points
I have a doughnut chart with the data label separator set to New Line.
This shows up in chart1.xml under /c:ser/c:dLbls:
However, in another document I have the same xml, but the data labels separator shows as Comma.
Here are the documents:
https://windwardstudios.box.com/s/c1c4gvj5th36wco2ch1cvnevfu6tlarh (new line)
https://windwardstudios.box.com/s/utxopdtg88vp0z1wi9cavvbehy5niud8 (comma)
Is there something I can do to the xml in the chart showing the commas to make it show new lines instead?