KB5005568 (14 Sep 2021) caused FSLogix error user profile failed to attach

raitdl 1 Reputation point

We have a pair of RDS session hosts running Windows Server 2019 standard, which are using FSLogix for the user profile storage. When September 14, 2021 - KB5005568 or the subsequent cumulative update September 21, 2021 - KB5005625 was installed it broke FSLogix. We would receive a message saying

The user profile failed to attach. Please contact support.

Status: 0x00000010
Reason: 0x00000000
Error code: 0x00000490

Computer Name: RDS2

There is only an OK button, and when you click it you are logged out, due to our setting that required FSLogix to work for a user to login.

When we updated FSLogix to the latest version (2.9.7838.44263) it gave a little description of what those codes meant, and changed the Reason code to 0x00000005. The descriptions were basically what is described on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/fslogix/fslogix-error-codes-reference . Unfortunately the description for the codes that are not on the webpage were blank on the dialog box too.

Edit: I should point out that the same user, using the same FSLogix VHDX file can log in just fine on the other RDS server (not at the same time). I will also point out that the servers were created to be the same, and use the same group policy objects. The only difference between the two servers was the Sep 2021 updates as RDS2 received the updates first. The FSLogix VHDX was mounting fine on both servers and working properly until the Sep 2021 updates, those updates were the only change from before when it was working to after, when it stopped working on RDS2. We paused the updates on RDS1 and had to uninstall the updates on RDS2, and FSLogix is now working on both servers, but this is a problem with getting updates going forward.

Edit: Going through the Troubleshooting Guide for FSLogix products

  • Comparing Status Code 0x10. STATUS_ERROR_CLOSE_HANDLE There was an error closing a handle. What handle? Or are we supposed to assume the numbers on the fslogix code page are in decimal, and it was 16 STATUS_ERROR_GET_VOL_GUID There was an error retrieving the volume GUID. OK, but why only when the update has been applied?
  • Comparing Reason Code 0x0. REASON_PROFILE_ATTACHED The FSLogix Profile has been attached and is working. That makes no sense, as the title of the error dialog says there was an error attaching the profile. If you go by the updated Reason code of 5, then that is not listed as to what that is.
  • Comparing the Error Code 0x490 Is not listed under 490 in the list, is showing the decimal error code number 1168 that corresponds to 0x490 as "ERROR_NOT_FOUND".
  • Looking at the log files, the best I can see is that it timed out, which makes no sense, as accessing the VHDX storage location with file explorer works fine.
  • If there are no changes to perquisites with the updates then all of them are met still, as the update was the only change.
  • It's a Windows 2019 server, not 2008 R2
  • The FSLogix Enable setting is set to 1
  • The VHDLocations setting is set to a valid REG_SZ value similar to: \storage1\share\folder;\storage2\share\folder
  • Yes the user has the appropriate permissions still
  • Yes the user is still a member of the Everyone group that the Include group is made of, and is not the local or domain administrator user, who are the only ones in the exclude group
  • No a local profile does not already exist for the user.

Edit: Below is a copy of the section of log from C:\ProgramData\FSLogix\Logs\Profile
The difference between the working RDS1 and the updated RDS2 that didn't work, occurs at the line that says

[08:38:50.994][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] WaitForSingleObject WAIT_TIMEOUT

Anyone know of a way to fix this problem, other than uninstall this update?

[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== Begin Session: Logon
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] User: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178 (raitdl)
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Acquiring mutex for user logon
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\LogonSyncMutexTimeout. Using default: 60000
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Mutex acquired
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== Begin Session: LoadProfile: raitdl
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (DWORD): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\Enabled. Data: 1
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] User: raitdl. SID: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178.
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Include group SID: S-1-5-21-2977589583-450685595-3282963349-1000
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Exclude group SID: S-1-5-21-2977589583-450685595-3282963349-1001
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] User is a member of the include group
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Status set to 200: Setup in progress
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\RedirectType. Using default: 2
[08:38:28.087][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (DWORD): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ConcurrentUserSessions. Data: 1
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\VolumeWaitTimeMS. Using default: 20000
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\DeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply. Using default: 0
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\FSLogixShellPath. Using default:
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\AccessNetworkAsComputerObject. Using default: 0
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Accessing network as user object
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\AttachVHDSDDL. Using default:
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ProfileType. Using default: 0
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Profile type: Normal
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\CCDLocations. Using default:
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (REG_SZ): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\VHDLocations.
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] VHDLocations found - configured to use Local Disk
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\DiffDiskParentFolderPath. Using default: C:\Windows\TEMP\
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\NoProfileContainingFolder. Using default: 0
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\FlipFlopProfileDirectoryName. Using default: 0
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (REG_SZ): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\SIDDirNameMatch. Data: %username%
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (REG_SZ): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\VHDNameMatch. Data: %username%.%userdomain%.%profileversion%
[08:38:28.102][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (REG_SZ): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\VolumeType. Data: VHDX
[08:38:28.274][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\LockedRetryCount. Using default: 12
[08:38:28.274][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\LockedRetryInterval. Using default: 5
[08:38:28.446][tid:00000e60.00000e64][INFO] Volume attach event
[08:38:50.994][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] WaitForSingleObject WAIT_TIMEOUT
[08:38:51.259][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Detached vhd(x)
[08:38:51.259][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Status set to 16: Cannot retrieve virtual disk identifier
[08:38:51.259][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Error set to 1168
[08:38:51.259][tid:00000e60.00002470][ERROR:00000490] WaitForVolumeMount failed (Element not found.)
[08:38:51.259][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (DWORD): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\PreventLoginWithFailure. Data: 1
[08:38:51.259][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Replace shell rule added
[08:38:51.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][ERROR:00000005] LoadProfile failed. User: raitdl. SID: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178. (Access is denied.)
[08:38:51.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] loadProfile time: 23188 milliseconds
[08:38:51.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== End Session: LoadProfile: raitdl
[08:38:51.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== End Session: Logon
[08:38:51.291][tid:00000e60.00000e64][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ReAttachRetryCount. Using default: 60
[08:38:51.291][tid:00000e60.00000e64][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ReAttachIntervalSeconds. Using default: 10
[08:38:51.291][tid:00000e60.000024a4][INFO] ===== Begin Session: Profile Directory Changed: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178
[08:38:51.291][tid:00000e60.000024a4][INFO] New Profile Directory: C:\Users\raitdl
[08:38:51.291][tid:00000e60.00000e64][INFO] ===== Begin Session: Volume re-attach
[08:38:51.291][tid:00000e60.000024a4][INFO] Error set to 1168
[08:38:51.291][tid:00000e60.00000e64][INFO] ===== End Session: Volume re-attach
[08:38:51.306][tid:00000e60.000024a4][INFO] ===== End Session: Profile Directory Changed: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178
[08:39:00.260][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== Begin Session: StartShell
[08:39:00.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] User: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178 (raitdl)
[08:39:00.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Acquiring mutex for user logon
[08:39:00.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\LogonSyncMutexTimeout. Using default: 60000
[08:39:00.275][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Mutex acquired
[08:39:00.291][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== Begin Session: Logon notification: raitdl
[08:39:00.291][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Session configuration read (REG_SZ): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\Sessions\S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178\ActivityId = '9399860d-b3ec-0001-c5b9-9993ecb3d701'
[08:39:00.291][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (DWORD): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ConcurrentUserSessions. Data: 1
[08:39:00.291][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Checking Profile Data Export for S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178
[08:39:00.291][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Error set to 1168
[08:39:00.307][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== End Session: Logon notification: raitdl
[08:39:00.322][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== End Session: StartShell
[08:39:34.715][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== Begin Session: EndShell
[08:39:34.715][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] User: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178 (raitdl)
[08:39:34.715][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Acquiring mutex for user logoff
[08:39:34.715][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\LogonSyncMutexTimeout. Using default: 60000
[08:39:34.715][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Mutex acquired
[08:39:34.809][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Session configuration read (REG_SZ): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\Sessions\S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178\ActivityId = '9399860d-b3ec-0001-c5b9-9993ecb3d701'
[08:39:34.809][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Error set to 1168
[08:39:34.809][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== End Session: EndShell
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== Begin Session: Logoff
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] User: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178 (raitdl)
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Acquiring Lock for user logoff
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\LogonSyncMutexTimeout. Using default: 60000
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Mutex acquired
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== Begin Session: Unload profile: raitdl
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] User: raitdl. SID: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178.
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Session configuration read (REG_SZ): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\Sessions\S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178\ActivityId = '9399860d-b3ec-0001-c5b9-9993ecb3d701'
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Error set to 1168
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration Read (DWORD): SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ConcurrentUserSessions. Data: 1
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Profile refcount decremented to: -1
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] No teardown required
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\ShutdownOnUserLogoff. Using default: 0
[08:39:35.043][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Configuration setting not found: SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles\RebootOnUserLogoff. Using default: 0
[08:39:35.324][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Successfully removed Profile for S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178
[08:39:35.324][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] Local profile removed successfully
[08:39:35.324][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] UnloadProfile successful. User: raitdl. SID: S-1-5-21-1940913607-1925658912-3914259187-2178.
[08:39:35.324][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] unloadProfile time: 281 milliseconds
[08:39:35.324][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== End Session: Unload profile: raitdl
[08:39:35.324][tid:00000e60.00002470][INFO] ===== End Session: Logoff

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4 answers

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  1. Gary Nebbett 6,066 Reputation points

    Hello @raitdl ,

    It might be worth looking at this link too: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/447808/desperate-help-in-fixing-broken-profiles.html

    In particular, this comment from Julian Southern:

    Just wanted to let you know what we have discovered whilst trying to figure out a workaround that lets us keep using the storage and update the servers. If we add SYSTEM to the top level NTFS permissions and apply to 'This folder, subfolder and files', it appears to 'fix' the issue whilst retaining the correct CREATOR OWNER permissions.

    IMaybe worth a shot your end?

    We (Julian and I) worked together on the problem and it seems to match your description (STATUS_ERROR_GET_VOL_GUID being a key common factor).


    2 people found this answer helpful.

  2. Adi Siso 6 Reputation points

    Hello everyone
    I know it might be a delayed answer for you but I had the same problem when I tried to connect with a new user
    Other users were able to connect.
    The reason I had this problem was that the storage out of disk space
    When I added some space to the disk I still got the same problem until I deleted the vhdx that created before I added disk space and now everything is working fine.

    I saw another post somewhere about the same issue and the solution was "Restore the entire server" what cause the disk get some more free space :)

    So, I hope this will fix your problem as well :)

    1 person found this answer helpful.

  3. Limitless Technology 39,611 Reputation points


    Thank you for your question.

    We have a similar subject with a problem similar to this, I recommend that you consult it to better understand how to solve it, go to it on the links below:



    --If the reply is helpful, please Upvote and Accept as answer--

  4. Andy De Deckker 36 Reputation points

    Just to report we have exactly the same problem after installing the September CU update.
    Solution is to just uninstall kb5005568 and hope that someone with a hell of a lot more patience than I will open a MS case for this.

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