how to fix AADSTS50058 error
I have created a separate Microsoft live ID for work in clickworker and oneforma and those accounts has been suspended by stating AADSTS50058 error, this happened multiple time, How to fixed this issue?
Request Id: bfbfae1f-2437-4e3f-88d0-4a32060cc600
Correlation Id: ed4c5cbf-8d25-4c1e-ab70-0fa41fa25287
Timestamp: 2021-10-09T05:40:27Z
Message: AADSTS50058: A silent sign-in request was sent but no user is signed in. The cookies used to represent the user's session were not sent in the request to Azure AD. This can happen if the user is using Internet Explorer or Edge, and the web app sending the silent sign-in request is in different IE security zone than the Azure AD endpoint (login.microsoftonline.com).
Please help.