This typically happens when the default profile, stored in C:\Users\Default, has incorrect permissions or is corrupt in some way.
Default Profile Permissions
The the directory C:\Users\Default inherits permissions from its parent folder, C:\Users. This results in SYSTEM and Administrators having full control, while Users and Everyone have read permissions.
Fixing a Corrupt Default Profile
The easiest way to fix a corrupt default profile is to delete the content of C:\Users\Default and copy it from a working system. Make sure, though, that the machine you copy from has the same operating system version and language.
Please also disable any Antivirus program you may have temporary.
Also, I recommend that you post your question on the windows 11 forum, because there you will be greeted by an engineer from the windows 11 team, who has more recent information to pass on to you, to do this just use the link below and select the top option called "Ask a question" and describe the entire problem, including images:
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