I'm having a problem where multiple mailFodlers have the same ID. I tried Stackoverflow first but no answer.
My folder structure
|- FolderA
| |-ChildA1
| |-ChildA2 ect.
|- FolderB
|-ChildB2 ect.
The problem
In the documentation is stated that the id-property for a mailFolder is unique. But several childs from FolderA does have the same id's as childs from FolderB.
a child of FolderA
[id] => AAMkADc3NmMwNWE3<...>aXeP4l9AAAH2RGbAAA=
[displayName] => childAx
[parentFolderId] => AAMkADc3NmMwNWE3<...>aXeP4l9AAAETiFqAAA=
a child of FolderB
[id] => AAMkADc3NmMwNWE3<...>aXeP4l9AAAH2RGBAAA=
[displayName] => childBx
[parentFolderId] => AAMkADc3NmMwNWE3<...>aXeP4l9AAAETiFtAAA=
As shown multiple mailFolders does have the same id.
Steps I took
Using /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/mailFolders/Inbox/childFolders
I get the id's for FolderA and FolderB. After that I get the childFolders for both folderA and folderB via /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/mailFolders/{id}/childFolders
When using /users/{id | userPrincipalName}/mailFolders/{id}
I get the mailFolder data from one of the folders with the same id's. How can I point out to another? Using a combination of the parentId and id?