Hello @Song Hai ,
the Azure IoT hub is capable if retrieving telemetry from IoT device using all kinds of programming language SDKs.
Next to Device to cloud D2C telemetry (and C2D communication), also file uploads to blob storage are possible.
This is welcome because the maximum message size is 256KB.
Once you have sent an image, an Azure Function could pick it up to notify your website (eg. with SignalR/Websockets).
This is just a simple example, there are more elaborate messaging solutions.
Keep in mind sending a picture (showing a person at a certain location at a certain point in time) to the cloud could possibly be a GDPR violation. If you are able to do some ML with the picture on the device, you could just send a message telling what is on the picture or blur out people on the picture first.
Here is an MS Learn module with an introduction to Azure IoT. Do you want to learn more? Check out this collection.