Error BC37255 - What changed? between 2010 and 2021
Please goto
Click Mesopotamia Chronology
Click Jordan-Kebaran
Lets call what you see JO1 "strings"
If you pick Jordan-PPNB
you would be picking "strings"
called JO3 - JO8
If I modify JO1 to mean JO1 and JO2 - I get
Severity Code Description Project File Line Column Suppression State
Error BC37255 Combined length of user strings used by the program exceeds allowed limit.
Try to decrease use of string or XML literals. SLNew C:\GGG\SLNew\SLNew\vbc 1 1 Active
If I do a Win10 restart and launch VB 2017 and bring up my project the program WILL COMPLE
but if I tinker with it i.e. make Jordan-Kebaran JO1 + JO3 - BOOM - same compile error
but if I Win10 RESTAT - etc etc etc - program will compile - UNTIL - I touch it again
So - what I could do in 2010 - I cannot do in 2021