How to add WebProxy to the ChromiumWebBrowser control
I am using the ChromiumWebBrowser control. What I simply now wonder is how to add a proxy to this ChromiumWebBrowser. In the code below I am creating 2 instances of the ChromiumWebBrowser and put them in a List.
I then iterate this list and now wonder how to add a WebProxy to each instance (Each instance will get a random IP address from
When connecting with the host: "" this, will generate a random IP address each time. So I don't know the actual IP address as it happens by that website. This is how I set up the WebProxy with webrequests normally.
How to do add this to the ChromiumWebBrowser ? (The code below is not complete but I hope the code explains what I am trying to do)
Thank you!
ChromiumWebBrowser chromebrowser1 = new ChromiumWebBrowser(""); //Instance 1
ChromiumWebBrowser chromebrowser2 = new ChromiumWebBrowser(""); //Instance 1
List<ChromiumWebBrowser> chromebrowserLIST = new List<ChromiumWebBrowser>();
chromebrowserLIST.Add(chromebrowser1); chromebrowserLIST.Add(chromebrowser2); //Add instances to List
//Now iterate those browsers and put a proxy to each of them!
for (int i = 0; i < chromebrowserLIST.Count; i++)
//This is the webproxy I use. When connecting like this: "" will generate a random IP address each time. So I don't know the actual IP address
//So this is the method I use with webrequests normally. How to do add this to the ChromiumWebBrowser ?
WebProxy myproxy = new WebProxy("", 80);
myproxy.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("abcde-rotate", "somepasswordhere");
chromebrowserLIST[i] = myproxy //How to add the above "myproxy" to this instance of ChromiumWebBrowser ?