Our issues sounds very similar. We have also random crashes. We use Server 2019 (1809) in a farm with approx 10 session hosts. As hypervisor we use VMware (6.7.0, 15160138 and 6.5.0, 14320405) on DELL Server.
Our Sophos or Bitdefender av makes it definitely worse with deeper scan settings. At the moment we have two av solutions because we migrate completly to Bitdefender. But also without av we have sometimes disconnects.
The most time it helps to restart the termservice. But sometimes we have to reboot the whole crashed machine ...
We get follow error messages:
- The object invoked has disconnected from its clients on logon (VMware console)
- Event ID 1035 and 1036: RD Session Host Server listener stack was down. The relevant status code Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted. --> We double checked already a conflict. There is no other program wich might use the same socket/port ...
We had an open Microsoft ticket, but there happend actualy nothing. The support was really bad and not qualified ...