Why when I add a breakpoint when it stop and I put the mouse over the line it's not showing the text ?
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I'm using visual studio 2019 community
private void CreateDownloadFolders()
string locationToCreateFolderRadar = textBoxRadarPath.Text;
string locationToCreateFolderSatellite = textBoxSatellitePath.Text;
string folderName = "";
string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("ddd MM.dd.yyyy");
string time = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH.mm tt");
string format = "{0} On {1} {2}";
folderName = string.Format(format, date, time, "");
var p = Path.Combine(locationToCreateFolderRadar + folderName);
Directory.CreateDirectory(locationToCreateFolderRadar + folderName);
Directory.CreateDirectory(locationToCreateFolderSatellite + folderName);
I put a breakpoint on the line :
Directory.CreateDirectory(locationToCreateFolderRadar + folderName);
It stopped there and then I move the mouse cursor over the string locationToCreateFolderRadar but it's not showing it's content not also the other variables in this method.
I'm calling this method from this button click event :
private async void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
urls = new List<string>();
lblStatus.Text = "Downloading...";
await Task.Delay(5000);
foreach (string link in rad.links)
await sat.DownloadSatelliteAsync();
foreach (string link in sat.SatelliteUrls())
urlsCounter = urls.Count;
await DownloadAsync();
Screenshot showing the breakpoint and that it's not showing the content when the mouse cursor is over it.
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