@Calderara Serge ,
for Q1: On a quick repro I have observed that adding "location" param ran the command successfully.
az container create --name suvasara-containergroup --resource-group Networking-Resources --image mcr.microsoft.com/azuredocs/aci-helloworld --vnet Networking-Resources-vnet --vnet-address-prefix --subnet default --subnet-address-prefix --location westus
Note: Even after creating the container instance, I am unable to find the network profile ID. Looks like it was removed from the CLI module.
for Q2: When you first deploy a container group to a subnet, Azure delegates that subnet to Azure Container Instances. Once delegated, the subnet can be used only for container groups. If you attempt to deploy resources other than container groups to a delegated subnet, the operation fails. Please do verify whether the subnet is part of any other resources or a gateway subnet.
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