[UWP] Getting Unknown DisplayCatalogError from Query for Product

Seungjae Chung 1 Reputation point


We have been using UWP collections query API (which is explained in this document: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/monetize/query-for-products), and recently, we're intermittently getting unknown errors from it.

I think the error response is not originating from our end, these are the reason.

  • we are using the same code & configuration on calling the API for over a year but started to receive this kind of error message only since about two weeks ago.
  • I've made a test script that repeatedly calls the API with the interval of 0.5 seconds, with the same request bodies and Azure AD token. It mostly returned a normal response, but occasionally (about 1 out of 20 requests) returned an error.

And here is the full (inner) error message (body.innererror)

"code": "EntitlementsError",
"data": [
"An unknown error has occurred when calling DisplayCatalog.",
"An unknown error occured."
"details": [],
"message": "Collections received an error from entitlements.",
"source": "CollectionsFD"

I've tried to find any information about this kind of error, but that didn't work.
Could you help us to find the cause of this issue?



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