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In iOS, you could set AccessibilityAttributedLabel
and add comma( ,
)or space to separate "FAQ". It will display "FAQ" and speak as " F Q A ". However, voiceover also applies to braille, the comma will be detected in braille reader. I use CustomRenderer and AccessibilityAttributedLabel
, you could have a try.
<local:MyLabel Text="FAQ now" FontSize="Title" Padding="30,10,30,10"></local:MyLabel>
Renderer in iOS
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(MyLabel), typeof(MyLabelRender_iOS))]
namespace TestVoiceOverDemo.iOS
public class MyLabelRender_iOS: LabelRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Label> e)
if (Control != null)
NSMutableAttributedString FAQAttributedString = new NSMutableAttributedString("F A Q ");
Control.AccessibilityAttributedLabel = FAQAttributedString;
In Android, you could add a zero width character( "\u200B"
For more information, you can refer to
Best Regards,
Wenyan Zhang
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