Problem consuming 3rd parties APIs (After Windows Update?)
We were consuming two APIs from different companies flawless until 13 Oct 21.
The first problem is "The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel." The company identified that only users running Windows .Net were facing this problem. We tested the request in Postman with success. We tested the same request in Node.JS and it worked.
The company contacted Microsoft and they recomended uninstalling windows updates to a version before 13 Oct. We did it, but no success.
The second problem is a 400 error and the 3rd party company identified that our payload never gets to their server. Again it works in Postman and also Node.js.
The problems were caught in Windows Server 2016 Datacenter and also in developer´s Windows 10 machines.
Is there a problem with httpwebrequest in recent updated versions of Windows?