(Sorry, there is not much example in YouTube that discusses about Azure Function (Http Trigger) and Azure Data Factory data integration, so I am posting this question.)
I am trying to get a proper data output from Azure Function (Http Trigger) so that I could move data to Azure Data Factory.
From the example of solution file of Azure Function (Http Trigger), this is output that I got.
When I connect to Azure Data Factory, what is expected input?
I don't think it is just one line of data or it is not URL, is it?
I am trying to get a tabular format of data into Azure Data Factory from Azure Function.
Where does the tabular format take place?
Is it from output of Azure Function or output from URL? I am so confused.
Do I have to possibly have an output like Json format in order to get a data in a tabular format?
What should be the data structure if I want to store a list of output like (UserID, FirstName, LastName) that have at least 1000 rows from Azure Function (Http Trigger) --> ADF?
Thanks you.