These are the two types of errors in the program, there are others like this, but I decided to pick out two of them just to save space. The compilation process also is not finding/generating a dll, but I think that is related to whether the rest of the program works or not. @David Lowndes
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2028 unresolved token (0A0000EC) "extern "C" int __cdecl LZ_Compress(unsigned char *,unsigned char *,unsigned int)" (?LZ_Compress@@$$J0YAHPAE0I@Z) referenced in function "protected: static unsigned char * __cdecl COMPANYNAME_FileBuffer::CompressLZ_BCL(unsigned char const *,unsigned long,unsigned long &,class COMPANYNAME_ErrorList *)" (?CompressLZ_BCL@COMPANYNAME_FileBuffer@@$$FKAPAEPBEKAAKPAVCOMPANYNAME_ErrorList@@@Z) COMPANYNAME_DotNetBridgeLib C:\Users\My.Name\Documents\TelemetryRepo\Libs\Source\COMPANYNAME_DotNetBridgeLib\COMPANYNAME_FileBuffer.obj 1
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "extern "C" void __cdecl Huffman_Uncompress(unsigned char *,unsigned char *,unsigned int,unsigned int)" (?Huffman_Uncompress@@$$J0YAXPAE0II@Z) referenced in function "protected: static unsigned char * __cdecl COMPANYNAME_FileBuffer::UncompressHUFFMAN_BCL(unsigned char const *,unsigned long,unsigned long,class COMPANYNAME_ErrorList *)" (?UncompressHUFFMAN_BCL@COMPANYNAME_FileBuffer@@$$FKAPAEPBEKKPAVCOMPANYNAME_ErrorList@@@Z) COMPANYNAME_DotNetBridgeLib C:\Users\My.Name\Documents\TelemetryRepo\Libs\Source\COMPANYNAME_DotNetBridgeLib\COMPANYNAME_FileBuffer.obj 1