KB500071861 fails in reboot stage & backs out. 5 tries, from both Win Update & the msu file
The important KB5001786 operating system update is failing repeatedly on one of my computers (but installed OK on a similar machine I have).
I have tried five times, four using Windows Update and once using the MSU file. In all cases the failure occurs during installation reboot phase, at the 95% complete point or perhaps a bit further than that. The update is then backed out (automatically uninstalled).
I have Win10 20H2 build 19042.1288, 64 bit, on a Lenovo E560. The bios and drivers are all up to date, and Windows is fully updated except for this problem with KB5001786. (I successfully updated another E560, so I doubt this is a hardware problem.)
What can I do? If there is no existing remedy, can Microsoft devise a fix for this?