I have a requirement to list all the NTFS and SMB permissions from multiple remote servers, but I found a script to get the list on one server using the UNC path, instead of them can anyone of you help me to list the NTFS and SMB permissions along with the Share path for multiple servers.
Code which I found on the Git
Returns NTFS and Share permissions for a provided UNC Path
Returns NTFS and Share permissions for a provided UNC Path
This script/function can be used to report on Share and NTFS permissions for the provided UNC path, multiple UNC paths, or a list of UNC paths.
It requires the proper access to enumerate the shares and read all of the ACL information (typically administrative permissions are required on the remote system hosting the path)
It uses WMI to gather share information, so SMB shares hosted on NON-windows systems will return an error.
Valid UNC Path
PS C:> .\Get-ShareACL.ps1 -UNCPath \servera.loc1.company.com\testshare | Format-Table -AutoSize
PS C:> .\Get-ShareACL.ps1 -UNCPath \servera.loc1.company.com\testshare,\serverb.loc1.company.com\share1$ | Out-Gridview
PS C:> .\Get-ShareACL.ps1 -UNCPath (Get-Content C:\UNCPathList.txt) | Export-Csv C:\ACLAudit.csv -NoTypeInformation -Force
20141017 K. Kirkpatrick [+] Created
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param (
[parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[validatescript({ Test-Path $_ -PathType Container })]
$Results = @()
$ExportPath = "C:\Users\a-lchandrakanthredd\Desktop\Test"
$ErrorActionPreference = [System.Management.Automation.ActionPreference]::Stop
function Get-SMBACL
foreach ($Path in $UNCPath)
$colNTFS = @()
$colSMB = @()
$pathparts = $path.split("\")
$ComputerName = $pathparts[2]
$ShareName = $pathparts[3]
Write-Verbose -Message "Gathering NTFS Permissions..."
$acl = Get-Acl $path
foreach ($accessRule in $acl.Access)
$objNTFSAcl = [PSCustomObject] @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
ACLType = "NTFS"
ShareName = $ShareName
Account = $accessRule.IdentityReference
Permission = $accessRule.FileSystemRights
}# foreach
Write-Verbose -Message "Gathering SMB/Share Permissions..."
$Share = Get-WmiObject win32_LogicalShareSecuritySetting -Filter "name='$ShareName'" -ComputerName $ComputerName
if ($Share)
$ACLS = $Share.GetSecurityDescriptor().Descriptor.DACL
foreach ($ACL in $ACLS)
$User = $ACL.Trustee.Name
if (!($user)) { $user = $ACL.Trustee.SID }
$Domain = $ACL.Trustee.Domain
switch ($ACL.AccessMask)
2032127 { $Perm = "Full Control" }
1245631 { $Perm = "Change" }
1179817 { $Perm = "Read" }
}# switch
$ntUser = "$Domain\$user"
$objSMB = [PSCustomObject] @{
ComputerName = $ComputerName
ACLType = "SMB"
Account = $ntUser
Permission = $Perm
}# foreach
}# if
} catch
Write-Warning -Message "Error getting info from $Path"
}# try/catch
}# foreach
Write-Verbose -Message "Gathering Results..."
}# function Get-SMBACL
Get-SMBACL | Export-Csv -Path $ExportPath\SMBAccess.csv -NoTypeInformation
# Clean up work goes here
}# END