I was going to create a small single node AKS cluster 2core 2gb, but cant seem to now do so, even though I have done so in the pass many times , mostly on another account.
Why is the min core count now set to 4? The cheapest VM size for that is a little over £100?? That is way way to much for a small site that gets no use?
Even when I have gone though these new (i have only seen them from today) profiles / presets, selecting the 'dev/test', it will still not let me set a lower VM size? Really a 4core over the top VM for a test system when I might only want a small VM?
Is this just me, or is this for everyone now?
As I just got a three year reservations on a mid range system to play around with devOps with - but if i had known this was a change that was coming, i would not have. I wanted to place all my work within Azure - if I cant do that, because i have to spend over double on a single node VM, this whole platform is just completely useless for my personal use.