Voting Option in Microsoft Graph API

Charan Tata 1 Reputation point

Do we have voting Option in Microsoft Graph API.

Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
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  1. Jeremy Thake 6 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    You can do this through singleValueExtendedProperties.

    There is more on how to create these here

    Depending on your language you are using you'll have to tweak it based on the of "Binary {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Id 0x00008520".

    There is a stackoverflow answer using the JavaSDK here

    Code copied here for archival

    // send an email
    Message message = new Message();
    message.subject = "Meet for lunch?";

    ItemBody body = new ItemBody();  
    body.contentType = BodyType.TEXT;  
    body.content = "The new cafeteria is open.";  
    message.body = body;  
    EmailAddress emailAddress = new EmailAddress();  
    emailAddress.address = to;  
    Recipient toRecipient = new Recipient();  
    toRecipient.emailAddress = emailAddress;  
    message.toRecipients = List.of(toRecipient);  
    EmailAddress fromAddress = new EmailAddress();  
    fromAddress.address = sendingMailbox;  
    Recipient fromRecipient = new Recipient();  
    fromRecipient.emailAddress = fromAddress;  
    message.from = fromRecipient;  
    VotingButtonEncoder vbe = new VotingButtonEncoderImpl();  
    SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty prop =  
            new SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty();  
    prop.value = vbe.createVoteButtonsBase64String(  
            List.of("Yes, let's have lunch.", "No, thank you though."));  
    // = "Binary {00062008-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Id 0x00008520";  
    List<> requestOptions =  
            new ArrayList<>();  
    String requestUrl = ""  
            + sendingMailbox + "/microsoft.graph.sendMail";  
    SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyCollectionRequestBuilder builder =  
            new SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyCollectionRequestBuilder(  
                    requestUrl, graphClient, requestOptions);  
    List<SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty> pageContents =  
            new ArrayList<>();  
    SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyCollectionPage singleValueExtPropPage =  
            new SingleValueLegacyExtendedPropertyCollectionPage(  
                    pageContents, builder);  
    message.singleValueExtendedProperties = singleValueExtPropPage;  
    boolean saveToSentItems = true;  
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