Hello @Fok Pornkaew ,
You may find that your Internet connection is "reordering" network packets (i.e. the packets are not delivered in the sequence in which they were sent; a small amount of change in the order happens as the packets pass through some network devices. The algorithm for coping with this situation is better in Linux than it is in Windows 10.
This long thread describes the same problem: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/330172/extreamly-slow-upload-speed-in-windows-all-other-o.html
There are improvements to the TCP/IP implementation in Windows 11, but that still has one or two bugs/omissions which limit upload performance in the face of packet reordering.
If you want to make a small network trace of a slow upload and then share the trace data, I would take a quick look at it to confirm this diagnosis, but I am fairly sure that this is the explanation of the performance that you are observing.